Dear friends and supporters,
With this newsletter we would like to inform you about the status of our Christmas campaign 2021 and thank you for your great willingness to donate.
We are very pleased with the response to our 2021 Christmas campaign.
In mid-November we had asked you for a Christmas donation for the annual gift drive for the 60 children and youth in Lithuania. We have already received over 3,000 Euros in donations, which will allow us to cover most of the expenses for the Christmas campaign.
At the beginning of December all hand-written Christmas cards for our protégés and the caregivers in the Children’s Village and at the PATRIA organization were sent to Lithuania. There, the gifts (cozy bedding sets for the children and the young adults and vouchers for the employees) were already purchased. At Christmas, the cards and gifts can be distributed to their surely lucky recipients. We will of course report on the Christmas activities in Lithuania in our next newsletter.
We thank all donors for their once again great support! We are very happy and grateful to have such a loyal group of donors like you, who always listen to our requests for donations. Many of you have been supporting our Christmas campaign for more than 20 years and some of you have also sent us lovely, appreciative lines about our Christmas campaign by e-mail, which we were very happy to receive.

We would appreciate more donations for our 2021 Christmas campaign.
Our account details are:
Children’s Villages in Lithuania e.V.
Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822
IBAN DE 14 5005 0201 1200 072 152
We wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
With warm regards
Your team from “Children’s Villages in Lithuania e.V.”.
Otmar Debald, Jurate Bogacz, Ingrid Debald, Christine Scheid, Verena Nacke, Simone Graubner-Müller and Susanne Welsch-Lehmann