The team
What we stand for
Since 1997 we have been committed to orphans in Lithuania and our work is characterized by continuity and constant development of our projects. Our team works with great dedication for the welfare of children and young people in Lithuania. We benefit from our many years of management experience in various functional areas.
Our Board Team
With commitment and experience.

Otmar Debald
First chairman
With many years of management experience, diverse involvement in non-profit organizations, Lithuania sponsor since 2006. He established the training program together with our partner organization PATRIA in Lithuania.

Jurate Bogacz
Second chair
With Lithuanian roots, has lived in Germany for a long time, is responsible for the PATRIA program, is happy to be able to help Lithuanian youth. She is the only one in our team who can communicate with the young people in their native language.

Christine Scheidt
Responsible for finance in the board team, has many years of controlling experience, has been controlling the association’s finances for 10 years.

Verena Nacke
Founding member and member of the Board of Directors since the beginning, responsible for “Communication”. It has been active since 1997, when Lithuania was not yet a member country of the EU, and started organizing clothing transports and Christmas campaigns.

Simone Graubner-Müller
Training sponsorship
Simone Graubner-Müller: on the board team since 2020, committed sponsor since 2004, would like to arrange more personal training sponsorships.

Ingrid Debald
Paten program
long-time team member with responsibility for the “Sponsorship Program”, also organizes and coordinates the Christmas campaigns.

Susanne Welsch-Lehmann
Susanne Welsch-Lehmann: Founding member and since then member of the board, active for many projects and coordinator for the repositioning of the association to “Jugendförderung in Litauen e.V.” and redesign of our website.

Frank Welsch-Lehmann
Frank Welsch-Lehmann: Founding member and since then active with his expertise around internet presence, digital donation possibility, database and newsletter distribution.
Sponsors and supporters
Years of active support
Join in
Give a young person in Lithuania the chance to get a good education. 100% of your donations will directly benefit the orphans and youth. Because all employees of the association work on a voluntary basis.
One-time for a special project or monthly as a sponsor? Click here to go to the donation page