Dear sponsors, dear friends and supporters,
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your loyal and generous support in 2019 and for your Christmas donation. Thanks to your help, last year we were able to effectively support the 25 children in the Marijampoles Children’s Village and the more than 50 young people in the PATRIA program. We were also able to hold our popular Christmas gift drive again. This time there was a nice bath towel for every child and youth In the PATRIA program.

On behalf of the Children’s Village and PATRIA teams as well as our association, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for all the donations that enabled us to finance the support of our projects as well as the gifts for the children and young people, mothers and social workers and the Christmas celebrations. In the following you can see some photos from the Christmas party in the Youth Center of PATRIA. Even today, a laid Christmas table and beaming eyes when unwrapping a present are not a matter of course for young people.

We are very touched by the great attachment and loyalty of our friends and supporters as well as our corporate donor Cosnova to our Lithuania project. Most of you have been with us on this journey for many years now, some even wei more than a decade. Over the years, the number of underage children to be cared for in the Children’s Village has decreased significantly. On the other hand, we were able to establish and expand the important support for already adult orphans. We are happy to report that 2019 was the PATRIA program’s most comprehensive and successful year to date. The PATRIA program is a unique and exemplary program in Lithuania, which encourages but also challenges the young people and enables them to lead a fulfilling and, above all, independent adult life. Without your extensive support, this would be completely impossible.

We experience how this support works again and again at the camp weekend with the young people. This was also the case last year when we spent 4 days together at the Rumsiskes Open Air Museum at the beginning of September. The sometimes moving conversations with the young people are a wonderful confirmation for every trip participant that we are on the right track. We can now also report on many successful vocational and academic degrees that would not have been possible without our support.
There will be another Youth Camp in 2020. Please note the date from September 3 to 6. We hope that many sponsors will join us again this year. You will find out more details about the itinerary in the course of spring 2020.
We look forward to continuing our exchange with you, dear friends and supporters, this year.
We wish you and your families all the best for 2020 – above all, stay healthy!
With warm regards
Yours Ingrid and Otmar Debald
and the team of ” Children’s Villages in Lithuania e.V.”.