Dear friends and supporters,
do you remember our newsletter about “Gabija’s smile” in April 2022, in which we reported about Gabija’s lengthy treatment for jaw and teeth reconstruction? With your great support of our medical aid fund, the girl was able to regain her smile and finally build some self-confidence. A truly successful support.
With this newsletter, we sincerely ask you for a Christmas donation for the medical aid fund, with which we would like to support further urgent medical treatments for our young people, who already have a lot to deal with due to the lack of parental warmth of heart and have additionally lost self-confidence due to physical limitations. We also appreciate your donation to our annual Christmas gift drive for the 60 children and youth in Lithuania who participate in our programs, giving them moments of joy at Christmas.
In April 2022, we already reported on Gabija, who would so like to smile again. Correcting her congenital dental problem is our current largest Medical Assistance Fund project. Gabija is 18 years old and lives in Sonata’s foster home. She has a hereditary deformation of the entire dental apparatus that requires lengthy, expensive and painful treatment. The treatment is progressing well, but will take a long time – Gabija is very brave.
As we could see during our visit in September 2022, Gabija is very happy about the treatment. She beamed when we talked to her about it during our September 2022 visit, and her confidence has grown noticeably.

Although the Vilnius University Hospital and the health insurance company cover part of the treatment costs, there is a funding gap of over €3,000. Thanks to our Medical Assistance Fund, which was established in the summer of 2021, we will be able to close this money gap. But then the fund is depleted – but we need more resources because one of Gabiya’s younger brothers suffers from the same jaw and teeth deformity. Other teens need braces or glasses.
Our request to you:
- We are turning to you, dear friends and supporters, with this request for donations, so that by donating to the Medical Relief Fund, you can help provide eyeglasses, braces, and medical therapies to give the teenage orphans a better start in independent life.
The Christmas campaign for our children and young adults in Lithuania has been sponsored by you for 25 years as an integral part of our activities and always brings great joy to the children and young adults who receive gifts. “I’m so happy someone is thinking of me” is just one of the many positive responses we receive each year from your help.

This year we have chosen trendy aluminum thermos bottles as gifts to accompany the young people in their daily lives, at their training sites, at school, during sports and excursions. These bottles also bear the new logo of our club. In total, we want to give away 60 beautiful thermoses “to go” (of which 20 for the children in the Children’s Village Marijampoles and Sonata’s family and 40 for the young adults in the PATRIA program) as well as host nice Christmas parties and hope for your support.
We will order the thermoses in Germany and send them from Frankfurt to Lithuania together with our Christmas cards, so they will arrive in time before Christmas. Our request now is as follows:
Our request to you:
- Please adopt a practical thermos as a gift for your sponsored child or for a young adult in the PATRIA program and donate 30 euros for it.
- Please write a Christmas card to your sponsored child or to a young person in the PATRIA program (“Dear friend in the PATRIA-program”…), gladly with photo, in English or German. The children and young people are always very happy to receive personal mail from their German sponsors or supporters.
- Support the Christmas celebrations in the families of the Children’s Village and PATRIA with a general monetary donation of your choice. Likewise, we would like to give a small Christmas gift to the teams at Maijampole Children’s Village and Sonata’s foster home and to the social workers at PATRIA in recognition of their valuable work.
Ingrid Debald has taken over the coordination of the Christmas campaign. We ask that you let us know by November 29, 2022 if you would like to donate some money for the Medical Assistance Fund, to purchase a Christmas gift, or for the Christmas parties.
Ingrid Debald can be reached at or Tel: 069/74309064.
Please send the personal Christmas letter for the sponsored child or young person in the PATRIA program to Ingrid Debald, Lerchesbergring 107, 60598 Frankfurt/Main) by December 1, 2022 at the latest, so that we can send the letters to Lithuania by mail in time
Our account details are:
Kinder- und Jugendförderung in Litauen e.V.
Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822
IBAN DE14 5005 0201 1200 072 152
We would be VERY happy about a broad support of our fundraising for our Christmas campaign 2022.
We wish you a wonderful pre-Christmas season and are with
best regards
Your team from “Kinder- und Jugendförderung in Litauen e.V.”.
Otmar Debald, Jurate Bogacz, Ingrid Debald, Christine Scheid, Verena Nacke, Simone Graubner-Müller, Susanne Welsch-Lehmann and Frank Welsch-Lehmann